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As part of the TED Ambassadors' project, a visit was made to TED Kocaeli College!

TED Kocaeli

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TED University Elementary Mathematics Teaching fourth grade students Kübra İler and Fatma Nur Gürbüz visited TED Kocaeli College on 16-17 May 2022 as part of the 'TED Ambassadors' project carried out jointly by the Turkish Education Association and TED University.

The program, which started with orientation, continued for 2 days. During the visit, our students had the opportunity to get to know the TED colleges ecosystem, study discipline and organization, who had different tasks such as observing the lesson, preparing the lesson plan, teaching, preparing the exam, participating in the group meeting and discussing the case studies.

We would like to thank TED Kocaeli College principal and vice principal, mathematics department, and all other departments and school officials for their hospitality and high-level interest.