The changing and developing world dynamics also affect the individual characteristics that society needs. In the century we live in, besides being competent in accessing information; Individuals equipped with basic skills such as problem solving, communication, creativity, analytical thinking, entrepreneurship, reflective thinking, and having a critical perspective can achieve much higher success both in their social and professional lives. As in many countries of the world, the quality of education processes is extremely valuable for the success of individuals in our country. As TED University, Department of Mathematics and Science Education, our educational slogan is “How can it be better?” and we are constantly working to increase the quality of education. We strive to provide our pre-service teachers with a qualified education process by integrating theory and practice aspects under the guidance of our curriculum, which offers a variety of courses for subject matter knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, general culture. Our pre-service teachers, who make all their practices in a language other than their mother tongue, gain an international perspective on mathematics teaching by working with not only national but also international teaching programs and course materials. During their undergraduate education, pre-service teachers who are interested in research have the opportunity to carry out their research projects by receiving academic support from the academicians of our department, together with the Undergraduate Research Fund (URF) of our University, and they can experience presenting their research results at various national and international congresses while they are still at the undergraduate level. Our main goal is to train teachers who have a voice in national and international educational platforms about teaching mathematics. We invite you to realize this goal together.